1. Only bring 2 pairs of shoes. No more, no less. I brought a pair of Sperry Topsiders that I bought back in August specifically for this trip. I can't tell you how much of a great idea that was. They were the perfect walking shoes.
My Sperrys looking well-loved
I loved the purple soles
Now I specifically think that two pairs of shoes are a good idea because it helps to prevent blisters by switching up your walking shoes. For my second pair of shoes I chose a pair of seriously comfortable combat boots. They are flannel- lined and I water-proofed them to boot (sorry for the pun). These were perfect for those inevitable cold, rainy days.
These beautiful boots
I actually wore a hole in the heel, I've worn these so much
The only thing I would have done differently with these boots would be to add some insoles to give my arches a little more support. The only additional shoe that I thought about bringing was a pair of flip-flops for the shower at the hostel, however I only stayed one night in a hostel on my last trip so I opted to leave those behind.
2. Pack Light! I only brought clothing items that I thought I could wear multiple times and stayed within a basic color scheme. I folded everything up very small and put my clothes in giant zip lock bags. I flattened the air out and carefully filled my 60L pack. This also added extra insurance that my clothes would stay dry. I once had a bag that was checked at the plane and sat on the runway in the rain actually fall over and lay in a puddle for about 20 minutes. I had to spend a week in Canada with soggy clothes. Not ideal.
Now, the trick to being able to carry the pack on the plane, is to not fill it completely. This leaves room for souvenirs or to combine your day pack and main pack if you don't want to carry two bags at any point. The only item I brought but didn't wear was my fancy party dress. I ended up taking it easy for New Years and I was fine with that!
My 60L pack
My clothes in zip lock bags
3. Bring a shampoo bar. I discovered this shampoo bar at Lush and it was a great idea! It meant less liquid to carry around - always a plus when dealing with airlines. Also, it turns out that the shampoo bar works fantastically! It really helped control the oil that is naturally in my hair. My only complaint is that if you don't completely dry the bar, it will get mushy in the tin. The trick is to take the bar out of the tin and dry it that way after use.
Lush Shampoo Bar
Slightly Dented Lush Tin
Melted bottom of my shampoo bar
4. Bring a tablet instead of a laptop. I brought an iPad mini and a bluetooth mini keyboard instead of my expensive laptop and it worked perfectly! I was able to keep up with my work documents, post blogs, and keep in touch with home all through the use of my iPad mini. It was light, portable and no where near as expensive as my laptop, thus it was cheaper to insure.
Hope this helps!
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