Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rotterdam Living - 1/5

Today I got to take it easy! We slept in until almost 10 and had a wonderful home cooked breakfast before we left for a boat tour of Rotterdam. We even biked there! I rode on the back of Coletta's husband Erwin's bike. It was an adventure.
The boat tour was beautiful and really cool. It was a neat way to get to see the city, though I must say living in the south has definitely thinned my blood! I was SO COLD. Everyone around me was just wearing winter jackets and I'm there in a zillion layers, a hat, scarf up over my face, one mitten (the other was lost in Paris) and Erwin's scarf wrapped around my other hand. Pathetic.
After the boat tour we walked across a really big bridge and got to see the Holland- American line where immigrants left for the US. It was pretty neat! We stopped for a coffee/ tea to warm up then headed back to where we left our bikes. I bought a post card and a cute magnet and we were off! Erwin was an excellent tour guide. He told me about the history of Rotterdam while I rode on the back of his bike.  He even stopped for picture opportunities. Coletta split off to buy supplies for dinner tonight - we are having Shoarme. I've never had it before, but I'm excited! They are meat, garlic, and salad in pita bread. I'm excited!
Coletta met back up with us by their boat, which was beautiful. I got a tour of the boat and the dock area and even took a picture with a windmill! What a great - very dutch- day :)
Now we are back at their apartment and I just finished packing up all of my bags and I THINK I will be able to carry my pack on the airplane! It has gotten a bit bigger with all the souvenirs I've picked up. However, I was able to squeeze the air out from between my clothes because I packed using zip lock bags - I'll make a post about that later.
Now we are going to come up with ideas of how I should spend my day in Amsterdam tomorrow! I am being dropped off at the train station early and heading in to the city. Then I will walk to my hostel and check in and drop off my pack. Then I will explore for the day!


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