Wednesday, July 10, 2019

So You Just Got Back From the Trip of a Lifetime - Now What?

Going on a whirlwind adventure is obviously amazing and exciting, but no one really thinks about how hard reality hits once you return home. We recently went on a two-week epic adventure to the other side of the world and had a BLAST! But boy was it hard to get back into the swing of things with normal life. Here's what I did to get it back together.

Embrace the Suck
I had a soccer coach who used to use this phrase quite often. Essentially, he meant that the hard times will pass and you'll be stronger for it in the end. In terms of traveling, I mean that the adventure was worth it. It's always going to be hard going back to work after returning from an epic trip. I choose to lean into it. I love to look back at my pictures from my trip, talk to co-workers about but still buckle down and get some work done. It's hard, but it's life! Embrace it! It's absolutely ok to feel frustrated at being stuck at a desk once again. let yourself feel those feelings - just don't dwell. There's a difference!

Find Joy in Small Adventures
Not every day is going to be the best day of your life. That's just a fact. Often it takes hundreds of mundane days to build up to an epic day. Instead of wallowing in the fact that you aren't spending your weekends jet-setting around the world (unless you're Taylor Swift, who has that kind of money??), find little adventures instead. Go on a hike! Visit a local museum! Explore your home town! Heck, you can have adventures at home. I personally LOVE a nice day spent playing games with my husband, knitting, reading and laying in our hammock. Those are things I would never do while abroad (I would rather be out exploring most times), so instead I embrace where I am in the moment.

Begin Planning Your Next Trip
Finally, my biggest tip is start planning your next trip. For us, that's a simple beach trip this fall (traveling to Australia was expensive so it's going to be a minute before we go on a big trip again!). But it's honestly a game changer. Having something to look forward to can be a huge morale booster. I even like to create a little countdown on my desk at work so I can see myself inching towards the next trip. Trips, big or small, don't get planned overnight. So why not start early? Plus! now is the time to start saving for your next trip. The more you save now, the bigger the adventure you can have later!

If you'd like some help planning your next adventure, visit my website at

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