Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Airport Tips and Tricks

Airports are inevitable if you're an adventure seeker like myself. Airports are synonymous with lines and long waits, but I've found what works for me, and I thought I'd share my tips.

Step One: Leave Yourself Time!
This is honestly the biggest tip I can offer. If you leave yourself just twenty minutes to check your bag, go through security and catch your flight, you are going to be so stressed and have an unpleasant experience. I always find that the more time I leave, the easier the check in process is. Inevitably, when you are running late, the baggage check and security lines are insane.

Step Two: Bring Entertainment
I am a huge fan of stocking up on activities! I like things that fit easily in my backpack that don't require power. Some examples include: an adult coloring book, paperback books, notebook, sketchbook, knitting (with airport-friendly needles). Bring a variety of activities!

Step Three: Roll With It
Finally, just be ready for delays, cancellation and a little bit of chaos. Anyone who has travelled a great deal has had a terrible airport day. You just need to accept that as part of traveling. For example, on our honeymoon, we missed our connecting flight to Portugal and wound up stranded in Madrid for 12 hours. We made the most of it and explored Spain! Just because we could! No matter where you get stuck, try to make the most of it. If you're stuck in airport, take a nap, Skype a friend, make up a silly game. You will eventually get to where you need to be, and a bad attitude never helped anyone!

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