Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How To Be A Tourist In Your Hometown

If you love adventure but are still saving up for your next big trip, satisfy your wanderlust with a bit of hometown tourism! My husband and I used to have "Date Days" where we would pick a few major attractions in our town and make a day of it! We used to live in Raleigh so let's start there.

Visit the Local Museums
While it may not be NYC, Raleigh has its fair share of awesome museums - many of which are free! Each date day we would pick a new one to go visit - the art museum, history museum and arboretum to name a few!

Check Out The Best Restaurants

On these date days, we liked to shake things up! Instead of going to the same old restaurants for dinner, we ventured out! We went out of our way to the heart of downtown and loved to try some classic Raleigh hot spots like The Raleigh Times or Busy Bee. So good! You can also go on sites like Trip Advisor and see what other people and tourists have enjoyed. You never know what you'll stumble across.

My handsome husband at a local Brew Pub on our date day!

Get Out in Nature
Finally, check out the local foliage. We like to go on a little hike in Umstead park and have a picnic by the water. It's a great way to get exercise and get some fresh air. Even in the biggest of cities, a park or hiking trails are sure to be nearby.

The perfect picnic spot!

Make the most of your weekends and don't be afraid to try new things!


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