Sunday, September 20, 2015

Raleigh to Dallas to Albuquerque to Santa Fe All in One Day

This week is a very exciting week for Schuyler and I. We are taking a week long vacation in New Mexico before finishing out the week celebrating his sister's wedding. We left home this morning at 3:30am to catch our early morning flight to Dallas. After a brief and uneventful layover (my favorite kind of layover) we were on our way to New Mexico!

Upon arrival we picked out our rental car (which I can totally drive now #RealGrownUp) and headed to meet up with Schuyler's sister and her soon-to-be-husband for a nice lunch. They gave us some tips and what to see and then we were on our way! We decided to take the scenic route from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, AKA the turquoise trail. We kicked off our mini road trip on route 66! We even got to go over the singing highway which was cool, but not quite as big as we thought it would be. We ran over the rumble strips and heard America The Beautiful, so that was neat.

We made a few pit stops along the way, but stopped to walk around properly in a little town called Madrid. No, not that one. This one is actually pronounced Mah-dread. It drives me nuts, I'm not going to lie. The emphasis goes on the first syllable.
Anyway, moving past the pronunciation, the town was super hippie and artsy. There was a store with a zebra on the roof that sold a 4 stringed instrument made from a cake pan cut and shaped to look like a moon (definitely almost bought it). It was phenomenal. I picked up a little $1 knick knack box as a momento. Oh and we definitely got to witness a random customer talk about how he played the saw. Yes, the saw. He convinced the shop keeper to lend him her saw and did a demonstration right there in the middle of the tiny shop. An awesome experience.

We also had some fun looking at all the funky jewelry and I even bought a pair of really pretty earrings! After a quick perusal of a chocolate shop with unique flavors (and the owner was rocking a raven's jersey and had articles from the Baltimore Sun on the wall!) we were off towards Santa Fe! We made a few stops at scenic pull offs to enjoy the view before arriving at our  hotel.

We basically then just planned out our day tomorrow because it's supposed to rain on Tuesday which messes up our hiking plans. Let's just say tomorrow is going to be intense. I. Can't. Wait.

I'll keep you posted as I can!


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