Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Wonderful Life - How to Not Feel Homesick on Prolonged Travel

I love to travel, but even so I still appreciate home. I was feeling just a little homesick tonight (Skyping with your puppy will do that to you) but here are a few tips for prolonged travelers missing home, but loving life:

1) Skype home. Skype is a beautiful thing. You can have real conversations with the ones that mean the most. I try to make a point to talk with people back home as often as I can. The App WhatsApp is a great way for quick messages to keep in touch too!

2) Do something you would do at home. Something bordering mundane. For me I took a walk to the mall next door and ate some pizza and gelato (okay gelato is still quite travel-y but I mean... gelato. I have a strict "Eat Gelato At Every Opportunity" policy, so let's move along) and just walked around the mall. Sure the language will be different, but the people are the same. Teenagers trying to fit in and twenty somethings desperate for the next Lush product. Although please note trying to read Lush labels in another language is quite challenging... especially when you aren't sure if its in Spanish or Catalan haha!

3) Make the hotel like home. For me that means sweats, country music and a bubble bath! Traveling and exploring go hand in hand but every now and then you need to take a day or an evening off and just be a human. Put your feet up and read a book, ya dig?

4) Watch your favorite TV shows that you've missed while traveling - there are tons of apps that help with this! As for me, I use Xfinity. It gives you a sense of normalcy.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change a thing about what I've been doing and where I've been going. I'm just lucky enough to have a wonderful home to miss.

Here's to a quiet evening and much more adventure to come! I'm off to Madrid in the morning.


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