Tuesday, December 31, 2013

From Madrid to Barcelona I love it all! 12/27

Today was hectic! The supporters (parents/ siblings for who I am responsible) headed out to tour Madrid while the players trained. Unfortunately I was losing a fight with jet lag so I wasn't feeling all that well. I sucked it up and went with the supporters anyway, and I'm glad I did! We had a great time looking at the Palacio Royal and an absolutely beautiful Cathedral! I got some great pictures and it seemed like the parents had a great time too! We explored the area  and had lunch at a market where you got to walk around and pick a little bit of everything. I may or may not have found me some seriously delicious deserts! We then had to hustle over to the train station to meet up with the kids to head to Barcelona!
The train ride was not bad at all - in fact it was kind of relaxing. We took a really fast train so it was only 2 1/2 hours. Then we hopped on a bus to tour Barcelona! It was so beautiful! We got to stop in the 1992 Olympic Stadium and that was pretty cool. I really loved getting to see so much of the city. We even had a walking portion and that was seriously awesome. We went inside of a beautiful cathedral. It was the kind of thing you think of when you think of Spain. I took some pictures on my nice camera and  I think when I get to look at them on a computer I might decide to get one put on a canvas and hang it in my home.
 We then walked around the city and admired the architecture.
We got back on the bus and headed to Lloret de Mar which is where the tournament is being held. This city is so beautiful! It is a beach town resort and there is a beautiful village that is built right on top of a massive hill/ small mountain. Beautiful. 
After we arrived at the hotel we had the official dinner with the tournament officials and that went very well - though I did go to bed pretty late. Oh well! Worth it!


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