Sunday, February 10, 2019

My Top Tip for Efficient Packing - Packing Cubes!

There are all kinds of tips out there for becoming an efficient packer - maybe I'll recap some of those next week - but today, I wanted to talk about my absolute favorite packing tip: PACKING CUBES! If you haven't heard of them, they are exactly what they sound like. They are little mini suitcases to go inside of your big suitcase.

I know some people like to bring a trash bag for dirty clothes (which totally works) but I personally like to have a packing cube or two designated for dirty clothes. And honestly, if you're like me and are too cheap to buy real packing cubes, you can use 2 gallon ziplock bags. I used those for YEARS until I recently found some real packing cubes on sale at TJ Maxx. By putting dirty clothes in a cube or bag, it keep the rest of your clothes fresh and keeps the dirty clothes nice and compact.

Being able to compartmentalize your clothes is a game changer, especially if you are hotel hopping on your trip. Digging around in the same bag for two weeks can lead to a chaos of clothes, cords and dirty socks - definitely not ideal. By keeping everything separated, you'll be able to keep your clothes and electronics folded, compact and easily-found. This is especially true if you are living out of a backpack. 

Additionally, needing to fit your outfits into a specific cube will help keep you from throwing crumpled clothes back into the main compartment of your suitcase. I've found that loose, unfolded clothes can lead to straining zippers and an epic struggle to close your suitcase. The last thing you want is to bust a seam because your clothes weren't quite compact enough for the flight home. 

I absolutely love my new cubes, but I think I will probably still throw in a few giant zip locks as well. Find what works for you!

If you'd like some help getting organized for your next trip, visit 

Monday, February 4, 2019

When Should You Start Packing for Your Trip?

The final countdown to a big, epic adventure can be agonizing (see my last post for tips on how to survive it!). I had an interesting conversation with my travel companions for my upcoming trip to Australia and New Zealand - when is too early to pack for a big trip?

My answer is: it's never too early! Well - at least for the most part. If it makes you happy and excited, I say go for it. Start packing now! I know people who have an entire bag packed and ready for a trip at all times. I don't quite go that far, but I am a fan of packing early. Here's my logic (take it or leave it!)

You Have Time To Change Your Mind

This is very important. I am forever fine-tuning my travel wardrobe. Keep in mind, I often work in yoga pants a hoodie - I'm not a fashionista. But when it comes to travel, I want my outfits to be cute AND functional! My travel pictures are my favorite pictures, and I often display them in my house. Therefore, I'm a big fan of cute, travel-friendly outfits. Because I am so out of practice with putting together outfits (is that even the right phrase?), I need time to fine-tune my travel wardrobe. Kind of like writing a paper - the first round of packing is my rough draft. Does that make any sense? Am I alone on this way of thinking? Maybe. 

All Your Favorite Clothes Will Be Clean

This is a tragedy I have encountered a time or two before I began packing weeks in advance. I used to wait to pack until the night before a trip, but I inevitably found my most comfy travel bra/underwear/socks/sweatpants etc. were dirty! I mean it makes sense. You're going to wear your most comfortable clothes fairly often. I now have taken to setting aside my favorite clothes (especially for the plane!! Those 12-hour plane rides are brutal), so I can rest assured those bad boys are ready to go. The down side is obviously you can't wear those clothes leading up to the trip but for me, it's totally worth it.

You Have Time to Remember Often-Forgotten Items

Inevitably, you will realize that you've forgotten something while on the way to the airport. Just accept that fact. BUT by packing early, you cut down on the likelihood that the forgotten item is something crucial, like say your passport. Maybe you will have forgotten something easily-replaceable like a toothbrush instead. By beginning the packing process early, I find myself snapping my fingers and dashing around my house to grab something for weeks leading up to my trip. Then come the day of the trip, I am ready!!! 

I know this was an odd blog post, but thanks for hanging in there. Check out my other posts for some actually-helpful tips and tricks. If you'd like some help planning your next big adventure, visit