I know some people like to bring a trash bag for dirty clothes (which totally works) but I personally like to have a packing cube or two designated for dirty clothes. And honestly, if you're like me and are too cheap to buy real packing cubes, you can use 2 gallon ziplock bags. I used those for YEARS until I recently found some real packing cubes on sale at TJ Maxx. By putting dirty clothes in a cube or bag, it keep the rest of your clothes fresh and keeps the dirty clothes nice and compact.
Being able to compartmentalize your clothes is a game changer, especially if you are hotel hopping on your trip. Digging around in the same bag for two weeks can lead to a chaos of clothes, cords and dirty socks - definitely not ideal. By keeping everything separated, you'll be able to keep your clothes and electronics folded, compact and easily-found. This is especially true if you are living out of a backpack.
Additionally, needing to fit your outfits into a specific cube will help keep you from throwing crumpled clothes back into the main compartment of your suitcase. I've found that loose, unfolded clothes can lead to straining zippers and an epic struggle to close your suitcase. The last thing you want is to bust a seam because your clothes weren't quite compact enough for the flight home.
I absolutely love my new cubes, but I think I will probably still throw in a few giant zip locks as well. Find what works for you!
If you'd like some help getting organized for your next trip, visit MilesIntoMemoriesTravel.com.