Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Travel Tag! (30 Questions)

1. Where are you from in the world?
I was Born in New Jersey, USA, but I spent my childhood in Holland. We moved back to the states when I was still young, but we still moved around a bit. I guess I consider my "Hometown" Mt. Airy, MD since that's where I spent my high school years!

2. Have you been overseas? When/Where?

I have! I actually have been to over 20 countries in the last 4 years, but when I was little we traveled to even more places! Some of my favorites are:  Spain, Ireland, Germany, Holland, South Africa, Thailand and Singapore!

Blankenburg, Germany

3. Do you prefer summer or winter? Why?

I guess Summer, but Christmas trumps all! Especially in Paris! I love Christmastime in Paris - oh and Barcelona too!

4. Summer or winter fashion?

Winter - I'm all about the boots.

5. Where is somewhere you would love to travel to?
I'd love to go to Iceland, Japan and so many more places

6. Name your essential makeup items for the beach


7. Are you currently saving up for a trip?

We are getting ready to book our honeymoon to Portugal this fall!

8. Do you like/dislike travelling?

Absolutely LOVE it!

9. Name a place in the world you would love to shop.

I'm honestly not a big shopper.

10. Who is your favourite beauty guru and where do they live?

Zoella - Brighton, UK
Ingrid Nilsen - California, USA

11. What accent in the world is your favourite to hear?


12. How many countries have you visited?
More than 20

13. Why do you travel
I've always traveled and it's just a part of me!

14. Favourite city or country?

15. Most memorable experience abroad?
Probably swimming with elephants in Thailand or bungee jumping in South Africa

16. Best item purchased abroad?
I got some awesome soccer shoes in Barca.

17. Advice for those who want to travel but think they can't?
Just start saving! I promise you can do it :) 

18. Travel accessory you always pack?
Adaptors and converters
19. Can you recite your passport # from memory?
No... probably should though

20. Preferred method of travel: planes, trains or automobiles
Probably airplane because it's fastest, but I love trains too.

21. Top 3 Travel items?
Converter, Good walking shoes and a camera

22. Hostel or hotel?
I love hostels!

23. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?
I would absolutely be happy to revisit places, but I want to explore new places as much as possible!

24. Do you read up on your destination for culture, history or safety or do you wing it?
I absolutely do! Did you know you can be caned for spitting gum on the streets of Singapore?? Research people!



25. Favourite travel websites?
Lonely Planet,

26. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? City and why?
Barcelona! Soccer, food, beautiful architecture! LOVE IT

27. You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?
Probably Australia and New Zealand.

28. Favourite landmark you have visited?
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Eiffel tower or Notre Dam.


29. Beach holiday or travel/explore holiday?
Travel and explore! But I do enjoy a good beach day

30. To travel is to...


I own a travel company called and would love to help you coordinate your next adventure!

Here's where I got the questions!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Adventure Down the Ohio River

There's something to be said for domestic trips with your loved ones. My husband and I recently took a trip to a small Ohio town right on the Ohio River, and we had a blast! In general, we love spending time outdoors so of course we had to try our hand at kayaking. There was a small rental shop and we jumped at the opportunity to get in the water.

We pushed off around 10:30am and made our way down the river. We continued at a nice leisurely pace, making sure to take the time to fully admire the scenery. It was gorgeous, and we had a blast just hanging out together!

Don't worry - we made sure to put on plenty of sunscreen! Our wedding is in a week, and we did NOT want to look like lobsters!

After our kayak adventure, we decided to take a walk along the river trail. It was awesome! There were all kinds of bikers and moms with babies along the trail as well. It was so nice to get away from the stress of wedding planning and just hang out with my best friend. We got a little bit of exercise and plenty of sunshine and were feeling great.

In addition to our time on the river, we had a blast walking around the town, trying out local restaurants and exploring. It was a ton of fun, and who knows!? Maybe we'll end up 
buying ourselves some kayaks! We had so much fun and I can see us having a blast using them in the future.

If you want some help planning an adventure, I'd love to help!