Friday, October 28, 2016

Bloukran's Bridge Bungy Jump in South Africa

I've been lucky enough to have some pretty amazing adventures recently, but I must say one of my absolute favorite experiences was bungy (That's how they spell it in South Africa) outside of Cape Town! 

It was terrifying and absolutely exhilarating. I'm just surprised that I got the whole group to do it with me! 

First, they walked us out alone this absolutely terrifying/beautiful walkway that led out to the middle of the bridge. We were literally underneath of where cars were driving. It was pretty scary, but also awesome. Cars were just driving along while we flung ourselves off the bridge.

The whole gang before we jumped!

Before we went they weighed us and put our weight (in kilos) and our jump order and time. I weigh 63 kilos, I was Jumper 2 and our jump time was 9 a.m.

My "I'M SO NERVOUS" smile

Getting hooked up! I definitely asked them to make sure I was hooked in nice and tight. They then waddled me over to the edge and counted down, "3-2-1-BUNGY!" They didn't give me time to think AT ALL (Probably Definitely a good thing). When they said "BUNGY" I just did it! I even managed to leap and sort of swan dive off this HUGE bridge!


After you jump they lower someone down to help reel you back in. 

We are working on a YouTube channel where the full video will be posted soon! It's pretty epic.

Bungy jumping has been on my bucket list for a very long time and I am SO happy that I was able to finally cross it off! Bloukran's bridge is the world's largest bungy. How cool is that? It was my first time ever bungy jumping, so why not go big? It was such a rush! The free fall was far and away my favorite part - the dangling afterwards? Not so much. Though my sister was the exact opposite. 

Overall, I absolutely recommend doing this jump if you're ever near Cape Town. Something to note is it is a bit of a drive outside the city - like 4 or 5 hours. We broke the trip up with some fun stops along the way. You'll  learn all about those in upcoming blog posts!

Meanwhile, check out my company at and sign up for an adventure of your own!

Lots of love,

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Camping Retreat in the Mountains

First and foremost, I've started a travel company! It's called Miles Into Memories Travel, and we arrange international trips and tours for everyone from families to sports teams to groups of all kind. I'm really proud of our quality trips and would love for you to check out our website:

Keep an eye on this space for more travel stories - I've gone on several truly epic adventures over the past few months (blog posts are coming, I promise!) but I wanted to kick back off with my most recent trip. A couple of friends and I decided we needed a little break from the city life. Sometimes, it's easy to find yourself stuck in a rut. When that happens, I like to shake things up and go on mini adventures.

In this case, that meant a quick weekend trip to the mountains. I've lived in North Carolina for years, but haven't really had a chance to "leaf peep." Yes, that's a real term, believe it or not. So here we are!

We opted for a remote camp site and it was beautiful, but definitely a hike. We knew it would be a ten minute walk, but they didn't mention that it was straight down (and thus straight back up to get to our car.) Talk about a work out!

So beautiful.

We brought two pups with us! This is Lambda. She's only 3 months old and, turns out, she's scared of bridges. We went on a 5 miles hike and both dogs did great! Lambda managed to overcome her fear of bridges and had a blast!

And this here is my guy! Miles is 10 years old and sweet as can be. I carried him over some rocks and rivers, but he definitely had a ton of fun trekking with his buddies.

Where we camped out!

Me and Sky! Why my hat is crooked, we'll never know.

Family picture! (Pictures are hard when you're a puppy)

To sum up, we had a blast, got away from the city and ate some s'mores. We had a great time hiking, lighting camp fires and just getting away from screens. We barely had any cell service and in a way, that was really nice. It forced us to talk and relax and enjoy nature. Adventures don't always have to be big and international to be fun.